divendres, 25 de novembre del 2022

Un viatge profitós!

Com ja sabeu, estem fent el projecte "un viatge profitós" i les mestres ens van preparar una gran sorpresa!

Vam anar al laboratori, no sabíem que ens esperava allà! Quan vam entrar vam veure safates amb un estómac i un intestí! Uau, no n'havíem vist mai!

Vam poder experimentar, tocant-los, observant-los amb una lupa, tallant amb tisores... que interessant.

Però no havíem acabat, hi havia una sorpresa final! Les senyoretes també ens van treure un cervell!!! Cada parella en tenia un per poder experimentar!

Tot plegat ens va fer una mica d'angúnia, però a poc a poc ens va anar agradant més.

Ens ho vam passar molt bé, mireu quines fotografies!

dijous, 17 de novembre del 2022


Hi everyone!

This week, in English class, the I5 children have learning a lot with Teacher Mariona.

At the beginning of the class, we always start with Daily Routines: first we always sing and dance “the good morning song”. Then, we talk about the weather, the days of the week, the 4 seasons and the emotions. We always have really fun singing and dancing the routine songs.

To continue, the teacher Mariona tells us the story about the parts of the body (head, arms, legs, feet, etc.). Then we do some activities of our memory book.

We have been learning lots of new interesting stuffs about digestive system and finally, we did a Skill where determining parts-whole relationships. We really liked it because we can prove the importance that has all the parts and their functions!

We love learning English!